Author Leigh Thomas Offers Warning Signs Of An Abusive Situation
Released on: September 7, 2007, 7:58 am
Press Release Author: Strategic Vision, Laura Ward
Industry: Human Resources
Press Release Summary: Domestic Violence Is On The Rise In The United States Women - Victims Of Violence In High Profile Disappearances Husbands And Boyfriends Accused And Suspected Of Murders Across The Country
Press Release Body: Atlanta, GA/September 7, 2007 - Leigh Thomas, author of the critically acclaimed "An Ordinary Journey," is providing warning signs of an abusive domestic relationship. Thomas, an activist for women in abusive relationships is offering the warning signs for family members and friends of those in abusive relationships, as well as, the victims of domestic violence. According to Thomas, it is not until after a major act of violence that family members or friends will recall what should have been danger signs in a relationship. Additionally, the victims themselves often are in denial that they are in an abusive relationship. Studies show that domestic violence is on the rise in the United States.
Thomas herself was in an abusive relationship that included an attempted murder by her now ex-husband. In her book, "An Ordinary Journey," she tells of surviving incest, two rapes, and attempted murder. This first hand experience has given her the mission to share her story and get people talking about abuse, even if it is one person at a time.
"In situations of possible domestic abuse, I always tell women to 'Listen to yourself,' or as it's also known 'listen to your Women's Intuition,'" remarks author and women's activist Leigh Thomas. "A lot of people poo-poo this idea, but I've found if the pit of your stomach tells you something's up, you're probably right and too often ignore this feeling until it is too late."
Signs you might be in an abusive situation:
1. If you are being cut off from your family friends. 2. If you are not allowed to do things or go anywhere alone. 3. If you are not allowed to have access to a joint money account or if you have to give your paycheck to your spouse/partner. 4. If excessive drinking and drugs are a part of a daily routine. 5. If there appears to be excessive jealousy in your relationship. 6. If you are either the physical or emotional punching bag from another individual. 7. If you are constantly being told by your significant other how fat, stupid, or ugly you are, or any other degrading name calling. 8. If you are walking around with bruises you can't explain to friends and family. 9. If children and/or animals appear afraid of your significant other. 10. If your partner has severe mood swings from calm to violent
Thomas suggests that if any of the above signs apply to you (or someone you know) to start talking to a therapist, a clergy member, a friend, a work mate, or to anyone who might listen and believe what's going on - even if to start with, it's to yourself in the bathroom mirror. She identifies 3 parts to an abusive relationship: 1) the abuser, 2) the victim and 3) the bystander(s) - which includes family member(s), friend(s), etc.
"In order to isolate me from the rest of the world, the first week of our marriage, my ex-husband sold my car so I couldn't go anywhere when he wasn't home," recounts Thomas about her own abusive relationship. "I was too young to understand there was a bus stop and freedom two blocks away."
Thomas recalls the bad times with a sense of humor and frankness to inspire other women to seek help. In her book, she shares more warning signs and survival tips for domestic abuse.
To find a national contact list state by state for abused women or for more information on "An Ordinary Journey" and Leigh Thomas visit
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Contact Details: 2451 Cumberland Pkwy. Suite 3607 Atlanta, GA 30339 Phone: 404-880-0098 Email: Website:
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